Hello, didn't see you there.
I have a cup of fizzy beside me, my cellphone, my candle, the remote for the heat pump and a plate. These are the amazing things I have beside me every time I'm on the laptop. It's just routine. I don't like getting out of my routine and I know most of these things I will use.
I have a flower and ribbon in my hair. Don't judge me. I feel pretty. I play guitar... badly. I like my brother's gameboy. He has a DS as well, but a gameboy feels much more prodigious. I can't play game console games. I fail so bad, but I still try and I like playing pokemon, they have cute little creatures. I like learning new words, big words usually. If I think you're an idiot, I will tell you.. usually. Sometimes I'm too lazy to do that.
I want to write a story, maybe a story like David Eddings. I like his books, you know; "You see how easily the young are corrupted? Just give them the faintest hint of a wholesome upbringing and they're lost forever." - Silk Kheldar. Silk is a character in a David Eddings story. Silk is pretty much a spy/thief/hero of the story, he's not the main character though but that's okay, Garion is cool too, I guess. Silk is sarcastic. He makes me smile when I read the books. It's a book full of religion, heroism, old language and strategy. I love the old gentleman language that is used to insult; "My lord, I find thy face apelike and your form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offense against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possible that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?" - Mandorallen. I love that, it's so well spoken. I wish we could speak like that now. I loved those books and now that I've finished them I'm going to start another.
I didn't feel any aftershocks today. That's good. I hung out with my friends and we had an ice cream. I like ice cream, I like ice blocks as well. My day was amazing, who cares though.
Random Question
*Tell me about something you would happily do again and why?
-I would happily tell the guy I like that I like him. It's not all that "I know now how easy it is to lose people so I'm going to seize the moment" kind of thing. Why shouldn't he know? And I'm still not sure of myself, remember. If it turns out I don't like him, then I'll tell him. I don't see the point in worrying about it too much now that it's been done. I've done it once and sure, I had this spaz after he found out but I'm happy about it now. So, why can't I be happy to tell him again? I'll never regret doing that. Regretting something that's already been done and can't be changed is a waste of your mind.
A dictionary is a book that helps you understand words you don't know.
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